Sunday, November 25, 2012

After Katrina in the Ninth Ward


A Tribute to Mama YaYa
I had a beautiful dream
We were in the kitcen eating ice cream
Lanesha ahd Mama YaYa
In the kitchen cooking Gumbo YaYa
She is my mom and grandma too!
My folks uptown look down on me
But Mama YaYa as sweet as can be
I am an innocent soul
Just born with a caul
Mama YaYa taught me I had fortitude
I just had to keep a good attitude
I know I can endure any storm
Katrina caused the people of the 9th Ward much harm
I survived the storm because I had a good luck charm
Mama YaYa has gone to be with the Lord
But to forget the love we shared wil be really hard
She will forever be in my heart

Journal Entries

Journal Entries
Today is a great day. I had fun at school, especially PE. I am not thinking about no storm. Every year when it is hurricane season they talk about the storm coming and it does not. Mama Ya Ya talking about a big storm brewing. She said the newsman said it is in Florida but it may hit us next. She tells me she sees wind and rain everywhere and the city turns black. Mama Ya Ya said God is turning off the lights. I am afraid. I don’t like to see Mama Ya Ya all worked up like this.

I am worried about Mama Ya Ya. She keeps talking about this storm. She has on both the radio and television. It has her really worried.  It is so sunny outside and I can’t wait to get to school away from all this storm talk. TaShon said we don’t have school because of the Katrina storm. I don’t believe him.  Tashon was right. I am sad inside and I cry.

Ghosts are everywhere. The governor has asked President Bush to delcare a state of emergency. I am feeling really nervous now. On the news people are partying in the French Quarters like it is Mardi Gras with all that dancing, singing and laughing. The television and radio has been on non stop talking about Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans has been ordered to evacuate. Our neighbors in the Ninth Ward are leaving us. Mama Ya Ya does not have a car. We have nowhere to go.  The neighborhood is really quiet. The newsman said the storm will definitely hit New Orleans. The quiet is scaring me. It is so eerie outside. So dark and scary.  I will have to just pray like Mama Ya Ya taught me.

 As I look outside, our neighborhood has been torn apart.  Mama YaYa and I have survived the storm. There is glass and trees everywhere. Houses have been torn apart and lay in the street. The sky is a beautiful shade of blue. But the water is rising into our house.